Five solutions to get back the old Facebook interface
Even though Facebook has grown to 850 million users, more and more users are beginning to be disturbed by the direction towards which the website is heading. It is true some changes are fun, attractive and even useful, but unfortunately, this number represents a tiny percentage of all the elements that make life more difficult when visiting the “new” Facebook. Caromtex Design is a web design company in Montreal and in this article our team presents you five solutions to get back your old Facebook interface.
Return to the old news feed and hide the new Ticker with Facebook Classic
Many users are disturbed by the way the main news feed is rearranged, as if judged according to “importance / popularity”. Trying to compensate, Facebook introduced in the upper right corner a News Ticker. This Toolbar displays very fast what your friends are doing.
To get rid of the discomfort caused by the new News Ticker and to restore news feed in chronological order, Facebook Classic is the best solution. One of the advantages this application is that you can enable or disable its functionality at any time.
Facebook Ticker Remover for Firefox
If you are using Mozilla Firefox, the add-on called suggestive Facebook Ticker Remover makes a good job in removing News Ticker.
Get rid of Facebook polls with Kill Facebook Questions
Designed by Aaron Godin for Chrome, the supplement may be inserted into the browser and thus will help you get rid of the questions posted by your friends, increasingly more often. Facebook introduced polls some time ago to compete with sites dedicated to this activity.
Get rid of polls on Wall with F.B. Purity
An extension created by a Facebook user named steeev +, F.B. Purity has a check mark dedicated to eliminate Facebook Questions in case you are using Mozilla Firefox.
Return to the old interface to view photos with Revert FB Photo Viewer
For unknown reasons, Facebook abandoned the old interface for viewing images and replaced it with a popup, which is more aesthetic, but more difficult to load in some situations and is not so useful. If you want to return to the old interface that has two buttons previous / next, then click the name of the extension above created by Steve Gilbertson.
Tags: blog, Facebook, linkedin, search engine, search engine optimization, SEO, social networks