Timeline for Fan Page

Facebook makes again major changes and thus introduces the Timeline for Fan Page.

As expected, everyone gets a grace period in which to prepare a new design for fan page. Deadline is March 30, 2012.

Landing tabs lose their utility, but compensates with the possibility to organize the tabs at the top of the page according to priorities.

Considering that Facebook pages for institutions and companies are called Pages the Timelines specific for these accounts are called Timeline Pages. Apparently, the functionality is identical to the timeline of each of us, with some differences, eg for Timeline Pages, the idea of ​​Life Events, now are called Milestones.

Here are some things you should know about Timeline for Facebook pages:

  • Tabs and Landing Page disappear. Although there are hundreds if not thousands of companies offering services for these tabs and pages, once with the introduction of Timeline these will no longer be available.
  • Applications will be visible on the right of profile picture.
  • Other facilities offered by Timeline: the ability to place a banner (cover), the ability to set a post as featured (which occupies the entire width of the page by default) the option to set a post to top of page (pin to top).
  • For each user, right below the header can be seen his friends who are also fans of the page.
  • There’s no longer the possibility to view all posts (both the personal and fans page). There are instead Highlights options, friends’ activity, admin’s posts or posts from others.
  • Regarding the administration there are three new features: opportunity to moderate the posts made ​​by other fans before being published and displaying or non-displaying the box with posts from fans.

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