Facebook Timeline
Facebook has published the new design for Facebook pages, called “Timeline“.
In order to access it visit http://www.facebook.com/about/timeline. Here, besides the fact that you enable application Timeline, you can also customize the wall image for your future profile. Unlike profile image, the cover image can be more special, more intimate and more panoramic.
Once you’ve done this upgrade there are seven days until other users can view your Timeline. During this time you can make changes – then Timeline will be published automatically. If you consider that everything is perfect, you can publish it immediately, by clicking on Publish Now button located at the top of the Timeline.
What happens next? Your profile takes a different twist. You’ve probably noticed that all information posted over time is attached on the left and right to a line.
Regarding Timeline, the security issue becomes nor simpler, nor more complex than before. Every settings you have applied regarding the information shared with friends, work colleagues or family members, it continues to be applied in exactly the same way. Moreover, by clicking the pencil in the upper right of an event, you can hide it and if you click on the star in the same area you can configure it to divide into two columns.
Tags: blog, Facebook, linkedin, search engine optimization, SEO, social networks