The rules of social networks

Rule of listening

A company’s success in a social network is based on the content, so it is more important to know how to listen to users than to create new dialogue with them. Development of the relationship between company and customers is developing when the client is very interested and attracted to a company’s products or services.


Rule of focusing on articles content

One of the essential things before conceiving articles is the concentration and definition of the content and titles so that they are easily readable for users. One of the ways we can make navigation easier is by dividing the text and placing subtitles that attracts the attention of user.


Rule of quality

It is advisable to have about 1000 contacts to establish a relationship and effective communication, than to have 10,000 contacts and not even know how to keep about half of them or in the worst case to disappear after the first connection created.


Rule of perseverance

In order to develop the image of a company through social networking, the decisive factor that has the greatest influence is the time. We must be aware that we cannot get a well defined image only by posting some articles; it takes time and perseverance so that our efforts to produce positive results.


Rule of monitoring

Suppose a company has managed to implement a well defined marketing strategy: quality articles, attractive content of web pages, developed social relationships with customers.  In order not to stagnate the activity these elements must be monitored constantly – increasing the number of “like-s”, “followers” or contacts on networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn because when the users will lose their interest and the number of views will be decreasing we must be prepared to take new measures of development.

Rule of influence

An important aspect in terms of creating new contacts is to find potential customers who need development. Note that all companies need advertising and online marketing.


Rule of values

If you spend a lot of time trying to convince the public of the quality of your products and services finally they will be bored just to hear and see articles about how qualitative these are. Conveniently is to let customers to convince themselves of what we would like to know: the quality of the products and services.


Rule of reciprocity

We cannot expect others to discuss and post articles published by us if we do not make the same gesture. Thus it is efficient to maintain an open relationship even with competing companies and contacts since only thus we can create new opportunities for collaboration and develop an optimal image to the market.

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