Archive for March, 2012

Links within websites texts

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Links are an important element for any web content. Links should be treated with caution even when inserted in simple articles. The Internet is defined as a network of information and links are those that ensure the access to this base of information.

Any Internet user navigates among them and (more…)

Online Store

Monday, March 19th, 2012

Today, online marketing has become one of the most profitable business, so creating an online store for your business is one of the most inspired ideas that you may have. Once created, an online store does not require large investments. (more…)

Timeline for Fan Page

Monday, March 5th, 2012

Facebook makes again major changes and thus introduces the Timeline for Fan Page.

As expected, everyone gets a grace period in which to prepare a new design for fan page. Deadline is March 30, 2012. (more…)